Assessments are the initial step in determining which programmes would be most beneficial to the person seeking our help. We do many sorts of assessments at Younique based on the needs of the family of an individual with special needs.

Screening and Diagnostic Assessments, Functional Skills Assessments, and Occupational and Sensory Assessments are all available from the team

Screening and Diagnostic Assessments

Screening and diagnosis are usually done after extensive interviews with family members, as well as observations and interactions with the child. The methodology followed will be determined by the individual's age, talents, and interests, as well as his or her background. Our diagnoses are based on a number of internationally standardized screening / diagnostic devices and internationally standardized diagnostic criteria (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual- 5).

Following the assessment, parents are given feedback on the diagnostic procedure and the services required to begin intervention. We find it helpful for parents to bring or submit any previous diagnostic evaluations ahead of time, if applicable. We also provide the parents with a full report detailing the diagnosis and our recommendations.

Functional Skills Assessments

A functional assessment of an autistic individual can help establish current skill sets and future aspirations. It gives a complete assessment of the child's present level of performance in a variety of skill areas, including motor, communication, speech, imitation, cognitive, and daily living tasks.

A sequence of observations, direct work sessions with the child, and discussion with the family are used to make the assessment. Functional assessments are used to create an Individualized Education Program (IEP).

Occupational and Sensory Assessments

A detailed assessment is made based on a sensory profile questionnaire which addresses all the sensory systems in depth, along with direct observation of the child and feedback from parents. The assessment is conducted by Occupational Therapists who are also trained in Sensory Integration Therapy. This evaluation provides a base for all subsequent occupational and sensory interventions for the child.