Greatest Myths About Kids & Technology

Whether technology is a boon or bane has almost always been a topic of debate among educationists and parents worldwide. While many believe technology has aided learning and development in kids in a lot many ways, there are some who believe technology is just another distraction for kids.

But you know what, gone are the days when the thought that the advancements of technology in the form of video games and television has bad effects on kids. In today’s world, it simply isn’t true! The fact is that technology has created a new generation of kids who are constantly evolving. It has changed the way they learn and think. With technology, kids can explore their creativity and learn new skills, and thus, they get to learn about life itself.

Today, it is not just about what kids can do with technology but also how they can use it to their advantage. So today, in this article below, we, at Excelsior American School, ranked among the best schools in Gurgaon, will try to dispel some myths about the correlation between children’s growth and technology. Read on.

  • Myth 1: Technology is Harmful to Kids: There are a lot of advantages that children can acquire through the apt use of technology. It is important to know that these advantages are not just for children but everyone. Children have access to a lot of internet information today, which helps them learn faster and be more creative. There are also a lot of games that teach kids about different topics like health and science.

Besides, not many know that playing video games helps improve hand-eye coordination in children and teaches them how to think on their feet. As far as the internet is concerned, it has allowed them to explore the world at their own pace and with their interests. The key lies in the appropriate use of technology, and this is where you, as their parents, and we, as the mentors, have to take up the responsibility of guiding and assisting them.

  • Myth 2: Video Games Are Not Safe for Kids: The benefits of video games for children are numerous. It helps them develop skills such as problem-solving, creativity, and decision-making (depending on the genre). In addition, it also helps them build social skills and have a sense of community with the help of multiplayer modes. They can also reduce the likelihood of children developing mental health issues later in life by providing an outlet for their aggression while they are young. Many people argue that violence in video games causes children to develop anti-social tendencies, but nothing can be further from the truth. The University of Oxford has recently revealed some important insights in this matter, supporting the fact that there is no correlation between adolescent aggression and video games.
  • Myth 3: Social Media is Unsafe For Kids: Social media is one of the most important digital platforms in the current times and is actively used by people of all age groups. It provides children with a window to the digital world and helps them learn and grow in many ways. Children can use social media to connect with other people, find new friends, share interests, explore new topics, and even form communities. They also get the opportunity to grow their social and communication skills as they interact with people worldwide. Social media also has a positive impact on children’s mental health. Studies have shown that it helps children cope with anxiety and depression by providing an outlet for communication and support from peers worldwide.
  • Myth 4: Technology is Bad for the Brain: Technology is good for a child’s brain, and it can help them develop their skills. However, it’s important to teach children how to use technology responsibly. Teaching children about technology is not an easy task. For example, if they are playing a game on the computer or their phone, they should be taught how to not get addicted and stop playing when they need to do something else or when it gets too late. Once they get to gain this control, technology will only aid their learning and growth.

It is important to note that kids show higher engagement and feel more motivated to learn new things when we make use of technology-based games, apps, videos, etc. Thus, it won’t be right to think of technology as something that will stunt a child’s development or cause harm because it’ll do them a disservice.

On a Final Note…

The digital age has brought more opportunities for children to learn about life. Children today are more than just consumers of technology. They are also producers of content and creators of art; thus, they contribute to society at an early age. Thus we, at Excelsior American School, one of the best schools in Gurgaon, would like to urge the parents not to think of technology as something that’s hampering your kids’ growth. Instead, be supportive and help them unleash the good side of technology. Help them learn how to make the apt use of technology and how they can make the best use of its advancements without falling for its bad side. This will help boost their self-confidence and help them grow into creative, productive, and self-aware individuals.