Today, in the fast-changing world, it has become very essential for a child to learn the best things in life. One such thing is values that will lay the foundation for him/her to become a better human being. Instilling such values start at a very early stage. Schools like Excelsior American School prepare children to cope up with the real challenges of the world by imparting valuable lessons during the tender years of their childhood. Some psychologists think that though values are hard to teach, they are important and should be taught at the right age.
But, who is responsible to teach children good values?
Parents are the first moral anchors of a child as before school, a child inculcates a few values at home. But as children spend most of their time in the school environment, some parents argue that it is the school that holds the primary responsibility to develop values in the children.
In recent years, research in education discusses the importance of teaching moral values in the classrooms. If you take a peek into the curriculum of some of the best IB Schools in Delhi NCR, it holds lessons that would make the children become people of good character. However, there are other schools that strongly believe that parents should be responsible to help instil values in children.
What as parents and teachers, one needs to understand is that it is not about who is responsible for teaching the right values to the children, but what are the core values that children need to learn from their early age. And, these values include:
Honesty is the Best Policy:
We have all grown up hearing this. So, now it’s time to instil and promote truthfulness and honesty in your child. It is important that children should learn the value of being honest and the consequences of lying. To uphold the value of honesty, parents should not overreact when a child lies. Instead, help him/her find a way to tell the truth. In Cambridge Board Schools in Gurgaon students are taught to always aim to tell the truth from a very early age. However, every school encourages students to be honest regardless of whatever mistakes have been committed by them.
Respect is Divine:
The virtue of respect is another important trait that a child should learn to lead a great life. But does it mean just respecting elders? Well, the concept is broader than this. There is no denying that one should always respect their elders, but kids should also learn to listen and not interrupt between conversations. They should be taught good manners and also to accept everyone for who they are. Today schools are educating children through various developmental tools; moral value is one of them. It is through various activities and proper guidance that schools like Excelsior American School are teaching the importance of respect to the students.
Love Conquers All:
Children naturally bear a loving and generous attitude. But to make this an integral part of your child’s life, it needs to be nurtured and taught from the appropriate age. It is very crucial for them to understand that love is not just for the family. Love is showing compassion for their classmates, teachers, animals and everyone for who they are. Life lessons are given to children in most of the IB Schools in Delhi NCR so that they grow up with grace and confidence.
Helping Others is an Act of Kindness:
Teaching your child the value of kindness means to encourage him/her to help others, caring about others, putting others needs first then self. Kindness is infectious and contagious apart from being the most positive attribute a child should develop. Students of Excelsior American School learn about all the good values in life through educational techniques practised in the school premises. They have sessions and group activities that teach them values such as empathy, compassion, kindness, sharing is caring to name a few.
Courage to Speak Up:
It means a sense of justice and accepting responsibility. In every school, whether it’s Montessori or Cambridge Board Schools in Gurgaon, students are taught to speak up and stand up for themselves, no matter even if they are at fault. Child psychology never promotes forcing a child to say sorry, but to find out a proactive way to communicate the message. Children should be encouraged to speak up on their wrongdoings and learn to avoid them in the future.
Bottom Attribute:
No age is too early or late to inculcate good values in children. Schools like Excelsior American School play a big role in building a child’s personality and shaping his/her future. As parents and facilitators, it is your responsibility to exhibit good values like honesty, kindness, compassion, etc. and set a good example for the children. It is very crucial to understand that all your teachings will be undone if your child watches contradictory behaviour of what you have taught.