At Excelsior American School, one of the top schools in Gurgaon, we believe that critical thinking skills should be ideally honed in children when they are only beginning to form their thought processes. That’s because this is the time when their minds are most porous and can be easily molded and shaped. But before we come down to discussing how to imbue critical thinking skills in children, let us first understand what critical thinking actually is and why it is so important for children. Read on.
Basics First. What is Critical Thinking?
Like many other life skills, critical thinking is a rather abstract concept that has been around for ages. While there are several schools of thought, it is tricky to pin down the exact meaning. To make matters more complex, critical thinking changes according to the situation. However, the basics of critical thinking remain the same.
It includes reflecting on a situation/problem, or idea, using reason and logic, and finally drawing conclusions based on rational thought. In the context of school children, critical thinking encourages them to be active learners and not passive listeners. It enables them to actively engage and participate in the learning process and not sit back as mere spectators or auditors, for that matter.
This also largely depends on the kind of teaching-learning process. As one of the top schools in Gurgaon, we, at Excelsior American School, use modern teaching techniques that leave our students zero scope for passive learning. For example, when we teach our pupils about global warming, we don’t just stop at the textbook. By using everyday situations and real-time issues, we encourage our students to draw rational connections between their actions and the effect it has on climate change. So, by thinking critically, children learn more than just facts; they learn how to apply their textbook knowledge in real-life situations.
Essentials Skills That Form the Base for Critical Thinking
Because critical thinking is an abstract concept, it’s important to draw some measurable parameters to help children learn the skill better. Here are some of the most important skills that are considered essential to lay the foundation for thinking critically:
- The ability to draw connections between two ideas
- The ability to appreciate perspective and arguments
- The skill to build on arguments based on reason and logic
- The know-how to identify faults or inconsistencies in reasoning
- The ability to approach a problem in a systematic or structured way
These are some of the core concepts and skills that every child must know to grow into a critical thinker. But why is it so important for children to have the skill of critical thinking in the first place? In the next section, we talk about the importance of critical thinking and why you should start building a solid foundation in your kids from a young age.
Why is Critical Thinking So Important in Life?
By the time your kid finishes his studies, there will be at least a dozen more candidates competing for the same position (at work or for higher studies) as your child. So, it’s safe to say that having good grades is no longer the only criteria that recruiters or admission committees look for in candidates.
All organizations value critical thinking abilities as one of the most important qualities. And there are good reasons for this. They want their future students or employees to have an innovative take on problem-solving, be independent in their thought process, and become an asset to the team.
So, it’s only fair that you give your child this competitive edge over others right from a young age. At Excelsior American School, our vision is to prepare students for the world outside their homes and schools. Critical thinking abilities is a great enabler in this regard.
Another major benefit of critical thinking is a better quality of life. Research shows that children or young adults who use critical thinking in everyday situations have fewer negative experiences in life.
Tips to Help You Build a Robust Foundation of Critical Thinking in Your Kids
The journey of empowering kids with life skills has a lot of ups and downs. So, it’s important to be patient, and if something doesn’t work, you should be flexible enough to try out some other way. In fact, it is a great opportunity for you to put your own critical thinking abilities to good use. And here are a few practical and easy ways to help you easily start this journey with your child:
- Everything is Better When You Play
One of the easiest ways to explain a concept (no matter how tricky it is) to a child is by making a play routine out of it. Critical thinking is no different. Childhood games like building blocks, Legos, Jenga, board games, and the much-loved role-playing games all help to sharpen a child’s logic and reasoning.
- Engage Them in Open-Ended Questions
One of the most important things you should teach your kid is to ask the right questions, even if they sound silly or obvious to your adult ears. So, instead of giving them a direct solution, encourage them to deduce the answer by following a series of reason-backed questions.
- Reward Out-of-the-Box Thinking
So, if your child comes up with a unique take on a problem, let’s say he comes up with a new way to tie his shoelace, don’t dismiss him. Instead, appreciate the effort and try to explain the kid the right way (if needed).
Summing Up
At Excelsior American School, we firmly believe that innovative thinking is a high-value skill in all walks of life. And innovation stems from critical thinking only. It is thus essential to pay attention to instilling this skill in your kids at the age when they can most easily absorb the same. We, at Excelsior American School, positioned among the top schools in Gurgaon, use innovative ways to encourage our pupils to think outside the normal and hone their critical thinking skills. After all, as Aristotle said, “It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it,” it’s very important to empower our young generation with the skills they need to not only question different situations but also make sound decisions and shine bright through them.