Tackling Temper Tantrums with Love

Tackling Temper Tantrums with Love

No matter how much you and your children love each other, you cannot avoid sudden events driven by unexplained outbursts and temper tantrums. As parents, it can be challenging to manage such situations because they tend to catch you off guard. Temper tantrums are like tornadoes that unleash a whirlwind of emotions, leaving most caregivers in a dilemma. While we at Excelsior American School, one of the best schools in Gurgaon, understand that temper tantrums must indeed be tough to handle for parents, we also believe that temper tantrums are a normal part of healthy child development. 

This also means that you, as parents, shouldn’t obsessively stress over it. Instead, look for ways to manage it better. This will empower you to easily handle temper tantrums, without straining your relationship with your kids. While there is no ‘defined’ way to handle all kids, love always works out. If you want to learn to respond to your child’s temper tantrums and not react to them, this article is for you! We have handpicked four effective ways to help you tackle your kid’s temper tantrums with love and also support your child’s healthy development without unnecessary worry and arguments.    

Powerful Ways to Tackle Your Child’s Temper Tantrums with Love 

If you reach out to other parents or elders for guidance on dealing with a kid’s temper tantrums, they will probably tell you to handle them with love. While this suggestion is effective, it is vague. Today, through this blog post, we at Excelsior American School would like to remove this vagueness by highlighting four practical ways to tackle temper tantrums with love. So, let’s explore all four ways shared below.   

  • Stay Calm: Staying calm during temper tantrums is recommended because it models healthy emotional regulation for your child. If you notice, all kids will mirror their caregivers’ reactions during such situations. When they see their parents maintaining composure, de-escalating the situation becomes easier. Parent’s calm presence and response foster a sense of security, reassuring kids that their emotions are manageable.

    Here, we at Excelsior American School would recommend parents to remain in a calm state of mind as it is only then that you’ll be able to better guide your kids through emotional storms. This simple technique can help parents think rationally and respond empathetically, even when facing a never-ending loop of temper tantrums. Start adopting a composed response and see visible improvements. 

  • Use a Gentle Touch : It is a highly effective yet underestimated way of tackling temper tantrums with love. When you use a gentle touch during such situations, like hugging the kid or giving them a pat on the back, the child instantly feels physical comfort. It lowers the intensity of temper tantrums because they begin feeling a sense of warmth and safety.

    Physical touch has always helped soothe children’s heightened emotions, fostering a tangible connection and reinforcing parent’s support and presence. So, the next time you see your kid engulfed in temper tantrums, try using a gentle touch with verbal assurances. It will be the perfect holistic response to their emotional needs, helping them calm down pretty easily.   

  • Validate Kid’s Feelings : Sometimes, kids only need validation. If you talk to your kids and enquire what led to their sudden temper tantrum outburst, you’ll be surprised to know that it was just a way to make their feelings/emotions heard. When parents acknowledge and accept their kid’s emotions without judgment, temper tantrums will naturally decline.

    If your kids have recently started throwing many temper tantrums, try to validate their feelings during such instances. It will make them feel heard and accepted. Parents must understand that validating their kid’s emotions doesn’t necessarily mean condoning the behavior. View it as a medium to foster meaningful, constructive communication that can open doors to healthy emotional vocabulary. 

  • Offer Choices : We at Excelsior American School firmly believe that this is the best way to comfort kids throwing temper tantrums. Offering choices makes children feel empowered because it instills in them a sense of autonomy within the limits set by their parents. As you present a set of choices to your kids, you allow them to feel a sense of control in their life, eventually lowering their power struggles.

    It makes them feel they’re in control of the situation and their life, naturally calming them down and steering away from the need to throw temper tantrums. This approach is powerful because it fosters independence and decision-making skills while guiding the kids toward more acceptable behaviors. Start implementing this method if you want to establish cooperative dynamics with your kids.     


The parenting journey is seemingly unpredictable, but events like intense temper tantrums can be incredibly overwhelming for even the most patient parents. While the experience can be unpleasant at first, viewing it as an opportunity to connect with children can change how you view and handle such situations. At Excelsior American School, one of the best schools in Gurgaon, we have always believed that approaching such events with love can make things easier. If you’ve been struggling to tackle your kid’s temper tantrums, implementing the methods discussed above can be beneficial. Since not all kids respond to these methods similarly, try implementing each method to see what works best for your child and stick to it.