5 Impressive Reasons Why Your Toddler Needs A Pre-school

The International Schools in Gurgaon with pre-school education have shown the profound positive impact on the holistic development of a child. Pre-schools set the foundation for learning, physical as well as cognitive development in a child. The benefits are more than just these three. 

1.    They Learn to Become Social:

Toddlers are comfortable in their home with their parents. While it’s adorable to watch these little ones shy away, this should be tackled at a very early age so that they grow into social beings. Pre-schools like the Excelsior American School promote healthy communication amongst toddlers and teachers so that they learn to interact. It enhances a child’s ability to communicate effectively.

2.    They Discover Imagination and Curiosity: 

Pre-schoolers have an active imagination and are curious by nature. They want to know and experience everything. They learn through exploration and discovery. Cambridge Board Schools in Gurgaon emphasizes learning through play. They have play areas which are well-stocked with costumes, learning aids and child-size household items such as stoves, sinks and cupboards. It helps kids to engage in one-on-one play, practice their skills and most importantly, it encourages a positive outlook towards learning.

3.    They just Grow:

A healthy attitude for learning is very important. And, in order to get your kid to learn, the environment must be friendly. They should feel completely comfortable going there every day. Pre-schools today create the perfect environment for the little ones where they feel at home. They understand how your kids can be very sensitive and need ample attention. Such an environment helps students to develop new learning skills and enhance the existing ones. They get the chance to be with other children of the same age group, which can be very exciting and fun for them. This helps in building up self-confidence and forms a trusting relationship with facilitators and peers. 

4.    They Develop Social and Emotional Skills:

Children grow when there is evenness in the care and love between home and school. They need to feel secure and cared for by the teacher. Excelsior American School helps in building trusting relationships with the little students. Not just this, the school also nurtures a strong personal connection amongst teachers, students and parents. Your little ones learn social skills and emotional self-control. Activities like playing and eating together, doing things in groups and sharing toys etc., will develop their social skills as well as nurture your child emotionally.

5.    They Talk and Think: 

Most of the IB Schools in Delhi NCR have “language-rich” environment that will help your child to improve in communication skills. Though parents can effectively teach their kids to learn a few words, pre-schools promote interaction by the students not just with the teachers, but among the students as well. Research has shown that preschoolers’ vocabulary grows from 900 to 2,500 words, with sentences becoming longer and more complex. 

These little ones have the opportunity to sing, talk, listen to stories and act them in a preschool environment. Such activities help in learning new words and expand their “magical thinking” capabilities.

These are some of the good reasons to send your toddlers to preschool. Aren’t they? 

But simply considering pre-school education for your child may not be enough. You need to find the best option for your toddler where s/he gets the utmost attention. 

Tips to choose the right pre-school:

Research, research and research…

  • Start your research a year before you plan to send your kid to a preschool
  • Start asking recommendations from other parents regarding Cambridge Board Schools in Gurgaon that have pre-school facilities
  • Ensure that the school meets all your requirements and the staff is competent enough to take care of your child
  • Evaluate on the basis of curriculum, teacher qualifications, class size, and health and safety standards
  • Today, many pre-schools have websites, which you must visit and go through
  • Call the ones you are considering to ask about the fees, admission policy, and curriculum
  • Once you know your choices, visit the schools
  • Most importantly, visit each preschool with your child and see how s/he responds

Pre-school is a place where a child learns through imitation, play, observation and generates positive emotion. Hence, it becomes very important to send your children to pre-schools. As parents, you should take advantage of this opportunity. 

So, let us know if you agree with us!