What words do you say to your kids each day?
Are they heartfelt and encouraging enough?
Did you tell them how much you love spending time with them?
‘Even a word can make a big difference’. The kids sometimes just need a little push to gather their strength and excel in their lives. In a world where ‘no’ has suppressed the goodness of ‘yes’, it is very important to teach your kids the higher value of positivity. Today, “Constructivist theory of learning” is encouraged by the top Montessori Schools in Gurgaon. The concept is to praise children for a job well done. As parents and teachers, it is our responsibility to shape our children in the most positive way possible.
Experts are of the opinion that positive words to a child become more meaningful when they have the following characteristics:
- Always address your child by their first name, as this gets their attention
- Speaking at the right volume and don’t sound authoritarian
- Regular eye contact is a must
The next question that might have crossed your mind is; what words/phrases qualify as positive?
To help you out, we have rounded up 8 important things that you should say to your child for encouraging and inspiring them to do their best.
Here’s the list:
1. I love you: Your child always needs to know how much you love them. Just saying, ‘I love you’, ensures them that you love them unconditionally. It also gives them a feeling of self-worth.
2. I believe in you: Say this to your child to boost confidence, like it says, ‘a child’s confidence lies in the eyes of his parents’. Always be that parent who believes their child. It is equally important for the facilitators to have faith in the abilities of their students. Excelsior American School focuses on words of encouragement so that kids feel motivated and have faith in themselves.
3. Would you like to talk about it?: Asking this question shows that you care about your little fellow. S/he knows that you notice them and want to help them in whatever situation they might be in.
4. I care about you: Children always feel special when they know they are being cared for and loved for the way they are. You can start by asking, ‘How was your day at school today?’ to show them how much a simple thing about your children matters to you.
5. I am sorry: There is no harm in a simple sorry. Parents too can be wrong sometimes. It shows that everyone can make mistakes, but taking responsibility for the wrongdoings is a matter of the courageous. The top Montessori Schools in Gurgaon teach students the importance of ‘sorry’ and ‘forgiveness’.
6. It’s OKAY to feel…… Help them to understand their feelings. As parents, try not to control their emotions, but understand why your children are sad, angry or frustrated. Help them ease out by working through their negative emotions.
7. I am proud of you: When they will know this, they will always try to do things that will make you feel proud. This appreciation is very vital to the parent-child relationship.
8. Thank you for helping me: There is joy in simple things, and this is one of them. Acknowledging your child’s willingness to help foster a positive attitude in them. So, as parents always be thankful for the little help your child offers you. Helping others is an important value that every child needs to learn. Most of the International Schools in Gurgaon are playing their part in instilling such values in their students.
Everyone wants their kids to be responsible, humble, sympathetic, brave and the list goes on. However, these attributes won’t just get instilled from nowhere. You are the one who will make them feel good about themselves. This is why the most important thing is how and what you say to your little fellows.