Career Counselling
As opposed to the belief that career counselling is required at the time of entering the job arena, studies have shown that career counselling should ideally be available to students in high school itself.
At Excelsior, career counselling and guidance is provided during the high school curriculum orientations held by the academic team led by the Principal, and by the college counsellor in a face to face meeting with students and parents. Students appear for a psychometric test to understand their strengths, weaknesses, their interests and aptitude. The psychometric test report thus generated from this test provides the basis for the college counsellor to provide clarity and understanding of students’ aptitude and interests and guide them in making the right decisions in their academic pursuits.
Excelsior ensures that career-related guidance and counselling is made available to students at all times in order to provide them with the right advice that is contemporary and meets the industry requirements.
College Counselling
Today, a range of options both in terms of courses and colleges for higher education after high school are available across the globe to students. Both students and their parents need guidance with identifying, shortlisting and understanding the admission process, academic requirements and financial implications of choosing their favourite course in any particular national or international university. The high school College counsellor plays a major role in this respect.
At Excelsior, the college counselling starts as soon as students enter Grade 9 of high school. Several interactions of the college counsellor with students, allow them to choose the best combination of subjects. This enables in opening up a plethora of options when students graduate from high school. The college counsellor meets with students on a regular basis to review their academic needs for college entrance. Furthermore, the counsellor assists graduating students with the necessary documentation and ensures that they meet all the requirements to enter the college or university of their choice. The counsellor also conducts periodic sessions with members of the teaching faculty to orient them with writing effective letters of recommendation [LOR]. Predictable academic grades of students before the board results are declared are also sent forward to universities along with the applications by the counsellor.
At Excelsior, the college counselling cell also invites University /College representatives to talk about available academic programmes on offer, their college infrastructure, scholarships, ACT/SAT requirements, exemptions, and early applications. Arrangements for student visits to University fairs held in the vicinity are also taken care of.
Behavioural Counselling And Life Skills Sessions
As a part of our holistic development approach towards our students, much-needed guidance and support are provided to them through their respective form tutors, regular life skill sessions as well as the school counsellor.
Holistic development is a practical approach to a comprehensive learning system where the physical, social, emotional, mental and spiritual growth of a child are taken care of. This style of education not only focuses on mere learning but also on implementing what is learnt.
The main aim is to provide a ‘scaffolding’ in the areas of academic achievement, emotional and social development and other areas where the child may be struggling. To support children in their struggles, a well-qualified, full-time counsellor is available during school working days. Excelsior understands the importance of producing productive and well-adjusted individuals for tomorrow. Keeping this in mind, we provide both individual (need-based and customized) and group counselling sessions (life skills) for our students throughout the academic year. The focus areas of these sessions are:
- Individual and Group Counselling for Behavioural, Academic, Emotional, School related problems or Adolescent struggles.
- Educational Counselling pertaining to Time Management, Organizational Skills, Effective Study Techniques, Enhancing Memory and Concentration Enhancing Exercises
- Workshops, Orientation programs for students, teachers and parents for Anger Management, Stress Management, Handling exam stress, Setting boundaries and building healthy relationships.